Technical specifications:
- SiPM Bias Voltage 30V with fine Vbr adjustment
- USB Audio ADC for direct compatibility with Theremino, PRA or BecqMoni MCA
- Temperature dependence slope: 19mV/C-25mV/C
- Dimensions: 106x26 mm
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Electronic driver board for DIY Gamma Spectrometer based on MPPC Silicon Photomultiplier (SiPM). It made to support Sensl MicroFC 60035 by default, however it electrically compatible with other 30V SiPM with temperature dependence of ~21mV/C
The board sold soldered and tested, without SiPM and without crystal. Recommended for usage with MicroFC 60035 silicon photomultiplier and 8x8x50 CsI(Tl) crystal. The board has space for installing 8x8x50mm detector and the overall PCB size made for Hammond 1593DBK enclosure.
Electronics intended to wotk in temperature range of 10C-30C, try to install the SiPM detector close as possible to the thermistor sensor on the PCB as shown on the diagram.
Windows OS detects the board as an USB Audio device, that's why you can start to use your favorite freeware MCA without additional audio card or any adapters. Just solder USB cable and open Theremino, PRA or BecqMoni2011 MCA.
Calibration process is simple!
- Set recording audio level to 99%, set playback audio level to 0% in Windows drivers
- Set Theremino Audio Gain x1 and 192kHz sampling rate for the USB device
- Set Theremino Energy Trimmer to the middle
- Apply Cs-137 and adjust SiPM voltage bias potentiometer to place the 662keV at correct position
- Check the bias voltage on SiPM cathode is below 31V and re-adjust Energy Trimmer or Bias (if required)