Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Scintillation Mode for Multi-Channel Analyzer kit

SCINTILLATION mode for searching with NaI(Tl) / CsI probe.

In firmware 1.03a we have added scintillation mode for the MCA module. The mode allows you
to use your NaI(Tl) probe for searching of low contaminated areas. First time you activate the
scintillation mode the software will run 5 minutes calibration to calculate average and standard
deviation for your probe.

Menu Functions related to Scintillation mode:

SCINT MODE – activate scintillation mode, restart applied by auto.
BEEP FREQ.HZ – set for sounder clicker frequency.
DEALAY N-pulses – the module will click on every N particle detected.
CONFIDENCE SIGMA – set 2 for fast searching or 3 for more accurate search but slower
response of alert.
CALIBRATE SD – will trigger 5 minute scintillation re-calibration on the next restart.
AVERAGING SEC – 2 or 3 seconds to average CPS results. Use 2 for faster search.

Take note, some MCA menu settings for acquisition spectrum is not active in scintillation mode!
Switch back to spectrum mode by setting SCINT MODE to OFF.